No Aesthetic Quilts + Ventfort Hall Collaboration

My Artists at Work Project requires me to partner with a local nonprofit, and I’m thrilled to announce that my collaborator will be Ventfort Hall in Lenox, Mass!

What are we doing?

  • Solo exhibition: I’ll have a solo show at Ventfort Hall in February. I’ve been visiting when possible, learning more about the house and the people who inhabited it (like the Festival House era).

  • Storytelling and art-making event for regional cancer patients and survivors: I hope to bring together cancer patients and survivors from the region to tell stories, make artwork about their experience, and discuss what young adult (under age 45) patients need from their care teams. Keep an eye out for an invitation to that as we get closer to February.

After these events, I plan to generate a PDF handout for medical staff and caregivers that highlights some of my research into how best to work with and meet the needs of young cancer patients, a population that has been steadily rising for the last several decades. I plan to give this handout to staff at Berkshire Health Systems and make it available to other caregivers, marketing it as a tool to better understand this patient segment.


Join me at Ventfort Hall on Saturday, February 15


Artists at Work North Adams Cohort