Mutual Aid for Cancer

This fundraiser is for me
and my family, but Mutual Aid for Cancer is a movement.

I’m a middle class woman, a descendant of immigrants, child factory workers, farmers, people who did their best to get one notch up with each generation. I think a lot of us have this in common. I’m not ashamed or afraid to say I need help right now.

Mutual Aid For Cancer is going to continue once I’m better, because we need it to. Who will help us when our institutions fail us again and again? WE ARE GONNA HELP US. Because that is how the world moves forward.

No one deserves to get sick and then go bankrupt. No one deserves to worry about money while chemicals get shot through their veins, while they recover from surgery, while they sit around trying to work as they wait for life-changing news.

Who do we turn to in hard times? Our community. What’s the scariest thing to the institutions that consistently fail us, use us, cheat us, discard us? COMMUNITY. People standing together through hard times. Everyday people are the ones who make anything a movement.

Thank you in advance for your donations, your shares, your auction items, and your vote for solidarity and mutual aid in the face of this. It’s a nightmare for me and my family, but every day I’m grateful I don’t have to do it alone. And from now on, ANYTHING I can do to help others not face this alone…that’s my purpose and my destiny. My goal is to heal and then make it easier for others to walk this path after me.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I have now been called to this work, and though I have my own fight, I will make sure what you give echoes and reverberates for others after me.


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